100% Original Organic Highly Effective Pain, Ache, and Arthritis Relief Cream

Samuel Olabode द्वारा को पोस्ट किया गया

This is an essential must have in your first aid box. Without this ache, and pain relief ointment, your first aid box is not complete. This cream has a wide scope of applications. Applying this cream three times a day relieves rheumatic pains, back pain and sprains. Others include insect bites, bee stings, and it lifts the muscle fatigue. Not only that, it helps soothes bruises, cramps and motion or traveling sickness. Complete list of aches this product reliefs and how to apply them are hereby listed. However, it is best to apply this cream to the affected areas three times a day. Grab Your Own Product Now 


How to Use The Active Cream: Rub Three Times a Day (External Use Only).

  • Treatment for Headache: The active cream applied to the sides of the temple of the head , headache can stop .
  • Treatment for Toothache: Active cream applied to the teeth to take appropriate facial , 3 to 4 hours to relieve pain.
  • Treatment of asthma: Take Tiger active cream applied to the back of the neck on both sides of the spine.
  • Treatment for fever: The active cream applied to the Quchi , half an hour to bring down a fever , especially in children has more significant effect .
  • Treatment for Stomachache: The White Tiger active cream coated in the abdomen have good effect on epigastric pain.

Others Uses are:

  • Treatment for indigestion: The White Tiger active cream applied to the two legs. The point of simple diarrhea, dyspepsia , abdominal distension good effect .
  • Treatment of angina: The active cream painted heart in front of the left chest area , angina can be stopped immediately.
  • Treatment of frostbite: The White Tiger active cream applied to wash the affected area, 1, 2 or 3 days a day can be effective.
  • Anti- motion sickness/motion sickness: In half an hour before departure , the White Tiger active cream coated in the belly button or double forearm can prevent dizziness and vomiting.
  • Treatment for Rheumatoid arthritis: The White Tiger active cream coated on the inside joint, three times a day has analgesic effect.
  • Treatment for Low back pain: The White Tiger active cream applied to the pain and spine.
  • Treatment for Cervical pain: The White Tiger active cream and coated on both sides of the cervical spine pain relieves cervical spine pain.

Order Yours Now to Avoid Unnecessary Rush


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